8 months ago

New Release v1.0.147 (Learn More)

Check out what’s new in this week’s release.

New Features:

  • ClickFunnels Integration: ClickFunnel 2.0 users can now: 
    • Connect accounts, create new leads, and apply tags.
    • Contacts can be created as a result of a purchase or via forms.
    • The contacts created can also have tags applied.
    • Please note that ClickFunnels only provide direct integration for their ClickFunnel 2.0 users and not those on the Classic plan.
  • In-App Contact Support: Now users can access support directly via BerserkerMail
    • This can be found via the user profile icon at the bottom-left of the interface.


  • WordPress Integration
    • Improvements on the categories search now returns all categories of the user rather than the first ten ones.
    • The email filter was corrected to avoid crashes or returns of fewer emails than expected.
  • Campaigns: You can now use merge fields in Campaigns Test Emails.
  • Dashboard: The dashboard now provides a message when there’s no report from the period selected to  prevent confusion that a search error has occurred. 

  • Fixed an issue that would show deleted emails on a search.
  • Fixed an issue with the Manage Lead Source that would crash the platform.

~Nicole English

9 months ago

New Release v1.0.146 (Learn More)

Here's what you can expect from this week's release:


  • Dashboard: It's now possible to request a digest of your entire account history. This will be emailed to you once processed.
  •  Added multiple time-range periods to the Dashboard account history, so you can see the interactions with your emails sent over the last 30, 60 or 90 day periods.
  • New filters have been added to the Contacts screen to included non-interaction. 
    • You can now search those Contacts which didn't open or click a link within a certain time range with any email, making it easier to identify and clean stale email addresses. 
    • Both filters can be found on the Filters sidebar in the Contacts screen (unopened and unclicked)
  • Contact Imports: now the matching of the fields use a better dictionary. Fields with lengthy names on the CSV such as "user contact email" will more easily match "email" on BerserkerMailI
    • It's also possible to import multiple Custom Field columns at once on every contact, where previously it supported only one custom field per contact per import
  • Link Previews now support custom domain images on a special list of websites. 
    • The Link Preview feature will validate if the links are reachable (and not 404'ing) and rather than showing a tiny cryptic image, a badge with the site logo on services such as SocialLair, Learnistic, BerserkerMail and others will be displayed
  • BerserkerMail now considers a new plethora of email failures as suppressions, such as "Domain not found" or "Invalid Mailbox address"


  • Fixed an issue on the Wordpress integration where, on the first time the integration is connected, the toggles for creating posts as drafts and categories dropdown would not work properly
  • Fixed an issue with the forms that could be caused on some browsers if the user tried to access a form that has a blank character (either " ", " ", " ' " or "") on its name
  • Fixed issue where changing tabs while connecting a new integration could crash BerserkerMail
  • Fixed issue where clicking the "Getting Started" popup would not bring the "Getting Started" video if you were on an email report or tags screen.

~Nicole English

9 months ago

New Release v1.0.145 (Learn More)

Check out what’s new in this week’s release.


  • Improvements in Filter by Interaction
    • Now users can select the same date range for both the Opened, and Clicked filter.
  • The automation trigger has a new web-hook functionality.
    • Now it’s possible to send a webhook when an unsubscribe event happens.
  • Dashboard improvement.
    • The first version performs event mapping from the last 30 days.
    • Further expansions will be made to include the date range options to 30, 60, 90 days and total period.

  • Fixed the issue showing the incorrect amount of links after performing a search.
  • Fixed an issue with Campaign notes.

~ Nicole English

10 months ago

New Release v1.0.144 (Learn More)

Check out what’s new in this week’s release.

New Features:
  • Contacts Page: New Filter by clicks and opens
    • These events began mapping three weeks ago

  • Campaigns: Now users have the option to select a footer for all the emails in a Campaign.
    • The Default footer can override individual emails inside the Campaign.
  • Improvements on the Links View page have been made by grouping similar links by their hostname.

  • Fixed a display issue in the Archives that would show some emails outside the specified period

~ Nicole English 

10 months ago

New Release v1.0.143 (Learn More)

Here’s what you can expect from this week’s release.


  • Link View page has a new header which allows the user to toggle  between viewing all links in alphabetical order, or those frequently used.
  • The auto-capitalization of names in Forms now includes cases where a contact has more than first name or common patronymic surnames, such as McDonald or O'Connor. 

  • Fixed the filters by date range and status in the Email Search.

~Nicole English