2 months ago

New Release v1.0.154 (Learn More)

Here's what's new in today's release:


  • Adjustments in the schedule bar on the new-email screen 
    • Improvements in the dropdown and modal of Saved Searches.
    • Enhancement in the select contact, adding new functionalities to it.
  • Contact export to CSV is now more precise and robust, including special character handling in contact information.
  • The delay node in campaigns now displays the time zone for greater clarity. 
  • Links ending in “.” will now have the period ignored in preview, avoiding visualization issues.
  • We’ve made improvements to the email search speed in Reports.
  • Improvement in the contact select checkbox 
  • Navigating to the Campaign editing screen from the Tags screen is now possible.


  • Fixed an error in contact count on the Contacts page 
  • Fixed a bug that removed characters when pasting text into the Email editor.
  • Refactored the submit number search method in Forms for greater accuracy.
  • Fixed error in blocked Email export.
  • Fixed an issue where the snippet editor was larger than the device screen in some resolutions.
  • Fixed an issue with saving thank you pages from Forms.
  • Fixed an issue where the email body disappeared in the editor when canceling sending an email from the delay modal.
  • Fixed an issue in the email report screen for emails with split subjects.

~ Nicole English 

5 months ago

New Release v1.0.153 (Learn More)

Here's what you can expect from our latest release:


  • Bounced Emails: This tab on email reports now show only bounces that resulted in a suppress status
  • Bounces now show on the All Emails screen under the “List” view, alongside unsubscribes and complaints
    • The number of Soft and Hard Bounces in the Email Report now match exactly the number of contacts that suffered a soft bounce and recovered


  • Fixed an issue where a temporary fail on delivery for an address would mistakenly flag the contact as “Not Confirmed” instead of “Suppressed”
  • Fixed an issue where a contact that was previously flagged as “Suppressed” with a permanent failure on delivery (non-existent mailbox, for example) could be deleted, re-added, and trigger the failure again
  • Fixed an issue where a temporary failure on a contact (like mailbox full) would flag the contact as a permanent failure, if it happened twice in a short span of time
  • Fixed an issue on the reports screen where sorting by the columns would not change the list order

~ Nicole English 

6 months ago

New Release v1.0.151 (Learn more)

Check out what’s new in this week’s release.

New Features:

  • Snippets on the Email Broadcast:  The email broadcast screen has new Snippets item in the toolbar
    • The first time you open the tab there will be an option to create the first snippet
    • When clicking on a snippet, it adds the snippet directly on the email body where the cursor is placed
    • You can manage your Snippets under the Email Settings


  • Reports now show bounced contacts on it’s own tab
    • When a contact delivery fails, one of the reasons is a “bounced” event. Due to the seriousness of this event, bounced contacts has its own category under Reports.
    • This new tab will show up on all future and past email reports from BerserkerMail


  • Fixed an issue where a webhook Campaign step would sometimes send empty headers if they were set at some point in time and then removed.
  • Fixed an issue on Campaigns that would trigger the “Are you sure you want to leave?” modal confirmation when you were still on the screen.

~ Nicole English 

6 months ago

New Release v1.0.150 (Learn more)

Check out what’s new in this week’s release.

New Features:

  • Telegram Integration
    • Connect BerserkerMail to a Telegram Bot through the Integrations Screen and send group or channel messages using the Campaign Builder.


  • The ThriveCart Integration now supports the latest events sent from ThriveCart


  • Fixed various issues related to saved email drafts.
  • Fixed an issue when selecting All Contacts, then deselecting some of those would still consider all during a batch operation.

~Nicole English

7 months ago

New Release v1.0.149 (Learn more)

Check out what’s new in our latest release:

New Features:

  • New Slack Integration
    • Connect BerserkerMail with a Slack App and send messages to your Slack channels
    • This integration supports Campaign Builder and Contact Custom Fields


  • Now it’s possible to modify the Text to Display inside the Link editor popup when writing an email on Broadcast or Campaign Builder screens
  • Links on email reports now show click count alongside the text that had the link embedded
  • All emails sent from BerserkerMail now are enrolled automatically on the “One Click Unsubscribe” supported by Google and Yahoo improving inbox placement


  • Fixed an issue on the Campaign Builder that would cause the email and Webhook Campaign nodes to switch places when refreshing a draft Campaign
  • Fixed an issue that would block contact creation if the phone was considered invalid due to the phone area code being new
  • Fixed an issue on the Link Preview that would sometimes fail to recognize a link with several parameters
  • Fixed an issue on the delay popup being slightly off, causing the email to be sent out while the popup was still on screen not allowing the user to cancel the email

~ Nicole English